Half Empty - Half Full 

"Optimism is a desirable distortion of reality."

donderdag, november 22, 2007 Categories: Quotes
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Radio 2 - Zelfverdediging Interview 

Juist even een interview gaan doen bij Radio 2. In teken van de week tegen vrouwen mishandeling kon ik mijn typische zelfverdediging vraagjes aan het volk brengen. Het ging allemaal nogal razend snel, maar het was wel leuk. Je kan het herbeluisteren op de site van Radio 2. Ergens rond 7u45 van het ochtendpost programma. Meer uitleg over zelfverdediging kan je hier vinden en voor meer informatie over mma en braziliaanse jiu-jitsu kan je best deze site eens doorbladeren :)

Update : Hier de mp3 versie van het interview...

vrijdag, november 16, 2007 Categories: Interviews
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Tommy belgisch kampioen 

Geen titel voor Ush, wel veel klappen en een fantastische sfeer op het Slammm gala. De Noxx in Antwerpen was helemaal omgebouwd tot fight evenement. Echt leuk gedaan. Vele mooie partijen en bijna enkel vip tafels. Maar de ring-girls van cage rage ontbraken er wel. Spijtig...

dinsdag, oktober 30, 2007 Categories: Besprekingen Competitie
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Exit beste team op Dutch Open 

Ik kon er zelf spijtig genoeg niet bij zijn. Maar Exit-BJJ was in top vorm en behaalde maar liefst 7 eerste plaatsen. Samen met de talrijke andere podiumplaatsen werden ze dan ook het beste team dat deelnam aan de nederlandse open van Braziliaanse Jiu-Jitsu.

dinsdag, oktober 23, 2007 Categories: Besprekingen Competitie
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Charles Darwin Loves Mixed Martial Arts 

Charles Darwin created the theory of natural selection.

In most sports, the goal is relatively simple: get the ball to a certain point on the field and stop the other team from doing the same. Even in boxing, both fighters are looking for the knockout or the decision. The paths to achieve these goals in any competition may vary and may be complex, but the each team will forever be aware of what the other team is ultimately trying to accomplish.

Unlike football or basketball, a victory can come in the sport of Mixed Martial Arts in a variety of ways, from a knockout, or a submission, or a cut, or a decision, or a referee stoppage. With a more open-ended environment, fighters can specialize, developing strategies and skills that suit their preferences and circumstances. In Origin of Species, Charles Darwin postulated that creatures are forever perfecting their ability to occupy a niche by constantly adapting, adjusting, and strengthening their survival strategies. The modern MMA fighter is undergoing the exact same process.

Today, a striker sprawling to defend takedowns and avoiding submissions on the ground is not uncommon. Yet, in the first Ultimate Fighting Championship boxers and kick boxers alike had no answer for the ground game, quickly falling victim to superior positioning and grappling technique. For a stand-up fighter to continue specializing in striking in an MMA environment, he had to adapt.

The consequences of a boxer learning to defend the ground game resonate far beyond any single fight and make up the core of what makes Mixed Martial Arts such a gripping sport: every fighter is evolving and improving, raising the bar at an almost unfathomable rate. Though the sport is in a constant state of fluidity, we can use Darwin’s ideas to better understand where the sport has been and use that knowledge to predict where it is going.

Gracie Jiu Jitsu, the grappling art that dominated strikers both in and out of the cage, was developed as a response to size and brute strength. Rather than risk being punched, a Gracie Jiu Jitsu practitioner seeks to initiate a clinch, execute a takedown, and apply a submission. This strategy was developed as a response to the dominance of striking power often seen in street fights. Essentially, striking sparked an evolution in grappling. Later, the superiority of grappling inspired an evolution in striking. This process is known to naturalists as co-evolution: two species continually competing against each other perpetually adapt to each other’s adaptations, allowing them to evolve indefinitely.

Recently, fighters known primarily for their grappling ability, like Spencer Fisher and Matt Serra, have displayed surprisingly effective striking skills. It would seem that the grapplers have begun to adapt yet again. With grapplers learning striking and strikers learning grappling one might mistakenly think that every fighter is progressing towards a uniform skill set. Fighters are feverishly training every aspect of the game, yes, but as long as they remain human they will have preferences, which mean unique styles. The old distinction of grappler and striker may disappear, but that’s only because they have evolved into new species all together.

Evolution is what makes MMA the most exciting sport in the world. If fighters and their skills were static, the sport would stagnate. The continual advancement of skills and strategy makes every fight a new experience, an exploration into uncharted territory. A fight is truly survival of the fittest, and with so many talented athletes vying to be the top of the food chain, we are guaranteed an infinite amount of spectacular matches no matter what direction evolution takes.

Charles Darwin Loves Mixed Martial Arts - Marshal Carper - www.LockFlow.com

woensdag, oktober 10, 2007 Categories: MMA Notities
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BJJ als zelfverdediging 

Braziliaanse Jiu-Jitsu is de eenvoudigste en effectiefste manier om zelfverdediging te leren.

Met Braziliaanse Jiu-Jitsu leer je op grond vechten. In het leven eindigen gevechten meestal op de grond. Met Braziliaanse Jiu-Jitsu leer je de vaardigheden om het gevecht te winnen.

Zelfverdediging is een must, iedereen komt vroeg of laat wel eens in een agressie-situatie.

Als je aan zelfverdediging door middel van Braziliaanse Jiu-Jitsu wil doen, kan je dit bij ons in een ontspannen en toffe sfeer doen.

Speciaal voor de dames, in teken van "Ladies at the Movies", houden we deze woensdag 10 oktober een initiatie cursus en dit in de SportOase (Philipssite 6, 3001 Leuven) vanaf 20u

Tot dan,

maandag, oktober 8, 2007 Categories: About Us Lessen Notities Zelfverdediging
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Exit op cafe in Leuven 

Enkele oude sfeermomenten vanuit leuven en enkele data om in het oog te houden...

za 13 oktober - black and white party (thai)
wo 17 oktober - http://www.chessafterwork.be
wo 17 oktober - http://www.outofoffice.be
za 20 oktober - dutch open bjj

zaterdag, oktober 6, 2007 Categories: About Me Vrienden
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You Spin Me Round 

Yeah I, I got to know your name
Well and I, could trace your private number baby
All I know is that to me
You look like you're lots of fun
Open up your lovin' arms
I want some, here I came

Well I...I set my sights on you
(and no one else will do)
And I, I've got to have my way now, baby

All I know is that to me
You look like you're havin' fun
Open up your lovin' arms
Watch out, here I come

You spin me right round, baby
right round like a record, baby
Right round round round
You spin me right round, baby
Right round like a record, baby
Right round round round
You spin me right round, baby
right round like a record, baby
Right round round round
You spin me right round, baby
Right round like a record, baby
Right round round round
You spin me right round, baby
right round like a record, baby
Right round round round
You spin me right round, baby
Right round like a record, baby
Right round round round

I, I got be your friend now, baby
And I would like to move in
Just a little bit closer

All I know is that to me
You look like you're lots of fun
Open up your lovin' arms
Watch out, here I come

You spin me right round, baby
right round like a record, baby
Right round round round
You spin me right round, baby
Right round like a record, baby
Right round round round
You spin me right round, baby
right round like a record, baby
Right round round round
You spin me right round, baby
Right round like a record, baby
Right round round round
You spin me right round, baby
right round like a record, baby
Right round round round
You spin me right round, baby
Right round like a record, baby
Right round round round

vrijdag, oktober 5, 2007 Categories: Leuk Songteksten
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Nederlands Kampioenschap Grappling Ede  

Exit-BJJ houd er dit jaar 5 nederlands kampioenen grappling aan over :

  • Suzanne bij de vrouwen
  • Tamerlam in de -65kg
  • Maurice in de -65kg
  • Wim in de -76kg
  • Christophe in de -83kg

Lees meer...

woensdag, oktober 3, 2007 Categories: Besprekingen Competitie
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Shidokan Germany Results 

Date: Sunday, September 30th 2007
Place: Villingen-Schwenningen
Venue: SHI KON Fight Club

MMA Fights:

1. Fight Men -77 kg (Preliminary): Daniel Talmon (Freudenstad) vs. Raoul Göhrum (Nürtingen). Winner Daniel Talmon after 4:04 minutes in Round 1 by Choke
2. Fight Men -77 kg (Preliminary): Daniel Schöb (Nürtingen) vs. Andreas Beckert (Villingen-Schwenningen). Winner Daniel Schöb after 1:07 minutes in Round 1 by Mata Leao
3. Fight Men -70 kg (Semifinal): Philipp Krebs (Nürtingen) vs. Miroslav Neralic (Freudenstadt). Winner Philipp Krebs after 2 Rounds by Unanimous Decision
4. Fight Men -77 kg (Semifinal): Daniel Talmon (Freudenstadt) vs. Benjamin Braunschweiger (Freudenstadt). Winner Daniel Talmon after 3:07 minutes in Round 1 by Armbar
5. Fight Men -77 kg (Semifinal): Daniel Schöb (Nürtingen) vs. Timo Günther (Freudenstadt). Winner Daniel Schöb after 1:13 minutes in Round 1 by Mata Leao
6. Fight Men -84 kg (Semifinal): Michael Haist (Freudenstadt) vs. Igor Montes-Kircher (Stuttgart). Winner Igor Montes-Kircher after 2 Rounds by Decision
7. Fight Men -84 kg (Semifinal): Patrick Herring (Mainz) vs. Andy Baz (Nürtingen). Winner Patrick Herring after 0:41 minutes in Round 1 by Armbar
8. Fight Men -77 kg (for 3rd Place): Benjamin Braunschweiger (Freudenstadt) vs. Timo Günther (Freudenstadt). Winner Benjamin Braunschweiger after 0:55 minutes in Round 1 by Triangle Choke
9. Fight Men -84 kg (for 3rd Place): Michael Haist (Freudenstadt) vs. Andy Baz (Nürtingen). Winner Andy Baz after 3:13 minutes in Round 2 by Guillotine Choke
10. Fight Men -70 kg (Final): Philipp Krebs (Nürtingen) vs. Stefan Hoss (Nürtingen). Winner Stefan Hoss after 0:50 minutes in Round 1 by Triangle Choke
11. Fight M en -77 kg (Final): Daniel Talmon (Freudenstadt) vs. Daniel Schöb (Nürtingen). Winner Daniel Schöb. Daniel Talmon had to submit due to injury.
12. Fight Men -84 kg (Final): Igor Montes-Kircher (Stuttgart) vs. Patrick Herring (Mainz). Winner Patrick Herring. Igor Montes-Kircher had to submit due to injury.


Men -70 kg
Gold: Stefan Hoss (Kamikaze Dojo Nürtingen)
Silver: Philipp Krebs (Kamikaze Dojo Nürtingen)
Bronze: Miroslav Neralic (Sakura Dojo Freudenstadt)

Men -77 kg
Gold: Daniel Schöb (Kamikaze Dojo Nürtingen)
Silver: Daniel Talmon (Sakura Dojo Freudenstadt)
Bronze: Benjamin Braunschweiger (Sakura Dojo Freudenstadt)

Men -84 kg
Gold: Patrick Herring (Suum Cuique Mainz)
Silver: Igor Montes-Kircher (Team German Oak Stuttgart)
Bronze: Andy Baz (Kamikaze Dojo Nürtingen)

Grappling Tournament (Absolute Class):

1. Fight: Daniel Ackerman (Mainz) vs. Peter Angerer (Nürtingen). Winner Daniel Ackerman by 2-0 points
2. Fight: Dawid Jakubiec (Stuttgart) vs. Irina Krebs (Nürtingen). Winner Dawid Jakubiec by Submission
3. Fight: Frank Steblein (Mainz) vs. Daniel Schöb (Nürtingen). Winner Frank Steblein by 3-0 points
4. Fight: Patrick Herring (Mainz) vs. Thorsten Kronz (Stuttgart). Winner Patrick Herring by 4-1 points
5. Fight (Semifinal): Daniel Ackerman (Mainz) vs. Dawid Jakubiec (Stuttgart). Winner Daniel Ackerman by Submission
6. Fight (Semifinal): Frank Steblein (Mainz) vs. Patrick Herring (Mainz). Winner Frank Steblein by 1-0 points
7. Fight (For 3rd Place): Dawid Jakubiec (Stuttgart) vs. Patrick Herring (Mainz). Winner Patrick Herring by Submission
8. Fight (Final): Daniel Ackerman (Mainz) vs. Frank Steblein (Mainz). Winner Daniel Ackerman by Submission

Gold: Daniel Ackerman (Suum Cuique Mainz)
Silver: Frank Steblein (Suum Cuique Mainz)
Bronze: Patrick Herring (Suum Cuique Mainz)

maandag, oktober 1, 2007 Categories: Besprekingen Competitie
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