Welke wedstrijden staan er voor de deur ? Zijn er stages, seminaries of speciale trainingen in de volgende weken ? Of is er ergens een coole party ?
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Competition - Lock & Choke 5
http://www.lock-and-choke.com/ TOURNAMENT 2007 - LOCK AND CHOKE 5 - November 10th - Cologne - Germany THE MISSION IS SUBMISSION Submission wrestling the newest trend in the fightingscene. It means fulcontact fighting without punches or kicks and a few more rules for safety. The main aim of the fight is to submit the oponent! The Competitioners are allowed to use jointlocks to every joint of the human body and any kind of choke or even painful techniques that make the oponent tap out. The LOCK AND CHOKE (LAC) is an open european submission wrestling tournament, organized until 2002 by the European Luta Livre Organization (ELLO) in cooperation with the German Sportsuniversity of Cologne. The Event is open for competitioners of all styls and organizations to compete under the LAC-Rules. “We are working hard to establish our sports submission wrestling in Europe, and we are proud to present each time an international crowd of fighters participating in our tournaments like the LAC! The LAC is a kind of forum where the main fighters from all over Europe are presenting their styles Luta Livre, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Judo, Sambo, JKD, Freestyle Wrestling and others under the same rules and regulations.” Andreas Schmidt “the Andyconda” (ELLO Headcoach and scientst of pysical education) In the LOCK AND CHOKE tournament the fights are without any timelimit in the advanced class. The fighters can just win by submission or by colleting points until the pointlimit. Points are given for throws or dominant positions where the oponent is in real danger like the Mount or Backmount. This kind of rules makes the fights spectaculare and attractive to watch, because they avoid any kind of stalling (passiv way of fighting).
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The LAC V will take place on November 10 th 2007 at the Gym 23 of the German Sportsuniversity of Cologne. Weight-in starts at 09:00 am.
In this years edition of the LAC 5, fighters from all over europe are participating. They come all the way from Spain, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Poland, Sweden and from all parts of Germany.
We will established last vear already a seniors class for fighters older than 40 years.
This year we will have the first beginners class at the LOCK AND CHOKE.
This years winner of the absolute class will get 200,-- Euro prizemoney.
The winners of the other five weightclasses will get trophys, medalls and fightequipment for 1000 Euro in total value. Members of the ELLO can improve their place in the ELLO ranking and teamranking.
The fights will take place on three fighting areas with matsize of 7 x 7 meters.
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Rules: http://www.lock-and-choke.com/documents/ausschr-lac5-e.pdf
Sporthochschule Köln, Hall 23
Weigh-in: from 09:00 am to 10:15 am
Start of fights: 10:45 am
Finals: 06:30 pm
Weight classes: • under 65 kg • 66 to 76,9 kg • 77 to 87,9 kg • 88 to 98,9 kg • 99 and more • Absolute class
Beginnersclass: Beginners with graduation less than bluebelt in Luta Livre, BJJ, Judo, Jiu Jitsu, Ju-Jutsu or less than 1 year wrestling experience
Advancedclass: more than bluebelt, or more than one year wrestling
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Volgens Maurice is dit een super-tornooi voor BJJ-vechters!!! Alleen jammer dat er geen heelhooks zijn toegestaan (al deelt Maurice deze mening niet met me). Het is mijn eerste keer dat ik er zal deelnemen, dus ik kan er niet veel van zeggen, maar ze hebben er ook een beginners-categorie, dus er is geen reden waarom we er niet met een grote delegatie Exit-vechters naar toe kunnen! Wie mag ik inschrijven (gelieve het juiste gewicht door te geven, zie post hierboven)?!
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Exit ... the "x" makes it sound cool!
A fight is won if: • The opponent gives up (verbally or by tapp out) • After one fighter has reached 9 points • The fighting judge breaks of the fight because one of the fighters can’t defend himself. • A fighter is coutioned twice for breaking the rules he will be disqualified by the judges. • If a fighter, his coach or his fans are behaving against the rules of good sportsmanship the fighter can be disqualified by the judge.
Fighting time: • ATTENTION: Fightingtime in the advanced class is unlimited!!! • Beginner class: Fightingtime 5 minutes, if draw 2 minutes overtime more with option to golden point. Draw after overtime, referee decision.
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Exit ... the "x" makes it sound cool!
Niemand interesse?!
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Exit ... the "x" makes it sound cool!
Nicolas schreef:ik kan niet denk ik
christophe, ik voel dat je verdrietig bent