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"They weren't very good brains, but they were the only brains he had." - D.L.Sayers
No underwear, no gold Bill Cooper disqualified at brown belt absolute final
It was the fight everybody was waiting for. After some memorable battles, Otavio Souza and William Cooper got to the brown belt open class final promising a big show for the crowd in California State University, in Long Beach. But something funny happened on the way to the podium. Otavio Souza took home the most important title of his level because his opponent entered the fight without underwear. The curious outcome of the final match came when William Cooper tried to defend an omoplata and had his paints pulled down and his buttocks exposed. The American was disqualified because the rules do not allow fighting without something under the gi.
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Exit ... the "x" makes it sound cool!
 Hahahaha ... lachen! Al denkt die vice-wereldkampioen daar nu vast anders over!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1eSC2d6FtlU http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1ivuj_saulo-ribeiro-freestyle-jiujitsu-6_extreme