Burning fat vs building condition

After years of good service I decided to buy a new Polar. The previous one had to have battery changes and chest wrap replaced. So I guess it was a good moment to buy a new one. 

Being lazy I ofcourse did not check the specifications of the new Polar but assumed that at least it would have the same functionallity as the one I bought 10 years ago.

Pfff. Wrong. Can't connect is to computer, you need to buy some stuff extra and then it turns out you can still not download your data but have to use some stupid cloud service. Good thing I know something about programming...

Anyway, the watch has an option to set fat burn or fitness heart rate target and this got me wondering.

Do I really burn more fat when running slower?

The short answer is that I do not believe this is the case and I am actually convinced that if you want to burn fat fast you have to run at 80% of your max heart rate (aka intense training) about 3 times a week. (btw. don't believe this max. heart rate by age setting, people are different and I can tell you that in my case it is much higher)

Running slower has the advantage that you can run longer and that will in the end burn more fat (but you need more time). I think most of this misconception comes from the fact that your body indeed uses more fat when running at slow rates as compared to more suger when running faster. But in the end it is about how much calories in total you burn !

If you know more scientific results about this topic, please let me know.

And then here some totally untested tips to loose fat:

  • Run harder the first half of your training and your will burn 23% more then doing the opposite.
  • Running at 80% of your heartbeat for 40 minutes will boost your metabolism for 19 hours.
  • You need 150 minutes of moderate and 75 minutes of intense training to maintain your weight.
  • Maximum one day off, but you can alter the muscles used.
  • Lift weights very slowly.
  • Use dumbelts not machines.
  • Eat portions of less then 600 kcal.
  • Eat 6g of fish oil.
  • Eat 500mg vitamine c.
  • Eat 800mg vitamine d.

Some data:

  • 1km - 269s - 82kcal - avg185 - max193 (intense)
  • 4km - 2283s - 431kcal - avg134 - max144 (slow as I can)
  • same time: 695kcal vs 431kcal
  • same distance: 328kcal vs 431kcal

ps: from where the interest? since I train less it is much harder to keep my weight. It has been bouncing from 73 to 82kg and so I am trying to figure out ways I can keep it stable without having the time to train as much as before.

zondag, juni 15, 2014 Categories: Fitness
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