LAC 2006

Hier alvast enkele Lock and Choke fotokes...

Zaterdag was het dus de jaarlijkse Lock and Choke in Keulen, Duitsland. Een wedstrijd waar je geen tijdslimiet hebt bij het vechten. De autorit ging heel vlotjes en na minder dan 2 uurtjes rijden zaten we al in de sporthal te wachten voor de weging. Iedereen mooi op gewicht en het wachten kon beginnen.

Maurice vloog er dadelijk in met een armbar en even later wist Wim zijn eerste partij met triangle choke te winnen. Ik had de eerste ronde 'geluk' en werd doorgeloten. De tweede ronde kon ik er dan ook invliegen en dadelijk werd het me duidelijk dat ik aan een voor mij zware kant van de pool zat. Allemaal lange smalle vechters, met bijhorende lange armen en benen. Vechters waar ik niet zo een voorkeur voor heb, daar ik in het verleden al wel eens tussen die uitstekels vast kwam te zitten.

Maar het lot had dus duidelijk een eitje met me te pellen. Kaarten aangenomen en ervaring met lange wedstrijdvechters opgedaan. Mijn halve-finale was, net zoals vorig jaar, zo een kleine 45min en wist ze te winnen met een triangle choke. Sterke technische poolse vechter, die kwam voor de 1000 euro aan sportuitrusting. Die we natuurlijk niet gekregen hebben, pfff... 

maandag, september 11, 2006 Categories: Besprekingen Competitie
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LAC 2006

donderdag, september 14, 2006 Wolverine
Ok, let's make a deal. You kill the small fighter and/or take him home and our tribe keeps the girl. Whohahahaha....

LAC 2006

donderdag, september 14, 2006 German guy
Huh!!! I will kill that small fighter, to bad for him he is small, I don't care, and his girl will want to come with me back to German. I will kill that loco guy too (Christophe)

LAC 2006

donderdag, september 14, 2006 Christophe aka Loco aka Patrick
Hahahahahaha ... super!!! Echt lachen dit! Yo J-C, thanks for adding a comment to Ken's site, it's always cool to notice that fighters from other clubs are interested in us. I totally support your demand for respect in the sport, but I do hope that you didn't only gave us a comment about it but also said something to the organisation of the tournament when you heard they were making "gay" remarks about my team and my teachers because they refused to fight in the final!

LAC 2006

woensdag, september 13, 2006 Wolverine
Dear German Guy, Just take a plane to belgium on the morning of 6 october, this day our smallest fighter will arrive and we can square you guys up in the airport. Although he is a really small guy, his wife will be cheering for him... Anyway, good luck and if you beat him you are allowed to fight me ! Cheers, Wolverine ps : Check out this site to get you ready for the Wolverine...

LAC 2006

woensdag, september 13, 2006 Wolverine
Dear German Guy, Just take a plane to belgium on the morning of 6 october, this day our smallest fighter will arrive and we can square you guys up in the airport. This small guy will have his wife cheering for him and maybe also for you... Anyway, good luck and if you beat him you are allowed to fight me ! Cheers, Wolverine ps : Check out this site to get you ready for the Wolverine...

LAC 2006

woensdag, september 13, 2006 Ken
Dear German Guy, Feel free to come over and train whennever you want. K

LAC 2006

woensdag, september 13, 2006 Ken
Hi Jaycee, I have full respect for any fighter that steps on the mat with me. But you have it the other way around. When Wim and I won the semi-finals, we where ridiculed because we did not want to fight eachother. Then later on we have to read in german magazines that we strategically got our victory. As if we were cheating. And at that point we made a joke of you germans (which ofcourse is totally pointing to anacondy's face) and clearly stated that we won all our matches by submission. To pitty the orginazer was thinking this way, point said no hard feelings taken. Hope to see you soon, Ken

LAC 2006

woensdag, september 13, 2006 J-C.
Hi Ken, at first, congratulations to you and your team. at last. I was wondering about your comments and reaction regarding the last l&c tournament. Your words do not represent your attitude to the sport necessarily professionally. It seems that you have no respect in front of the german fighters. Think about it. Regards Jaycee

LAC 2006

woensdag, september 13, 2006 German Guy
Ok, that is it!!! I had it with you!!! I'm going to make a surprise visit to your academy!!! I will train with each one of you and shw you what I got! Just wait!

LAC 2006

dinsdag, september 12, 2006 tom aka saku
Did you mention the war to the german guy? Maybe that's why he's so pissed off.

LAC 2006

dinsdag, september 12, 2006 nicolas
lick your ears? ewww! as if there's not enough skin diseases in grappling already.

LAC 2006

dinsdag, september 12, 2006 Ken
Dear German Guy, Really original name, did your mother give you this beautifull calling ? Here some stuff for your brain to work on : LAC rules does not permit slamming or earlicking... But thank you for the warning, i will make sure i got my ear-protection with me. Hope to see you next time GG. Cheers, Ken

LAC 2006

dinsdag, september 12, 2006 Christophe aka Loco aka Patrick
??? Hahaha, these crazy Germans! Please, do try!

LAC 2006

dinsdag, september 12, 2006 Ken
Dear German Guy, Really original name, did your mother give you this beautifull calling ? Here some stuff for your brain to work on : LAC rules does not permit slamming or earlicking... But thank you for the warning, i will make sure i got my ear-protection with me. Hope to see you next time GG. Cheers, Ken

LAC 2006

dinsdag, september 12, 2006 Christophe aka Loco aka Patrick
??? Hahaha, these crazy Germans! Please, do try!

LAC 2006

dinsdag, september 12, 2006 German guy
Next time i will beat you all! This time you were lucky that I could not go, I will win all of you !!! If you get me in a triangle I will slam you, I dont care!!! I will do heal hook and even lick your ears if I have to.

LAC 2006

dinsdag, september 12, 2006 Ken
Yep zo iets, vorig jaar deed ik er een 30 tal minuten over...

LAC 2006

maandag, september 11, 2006 nicolas
45 minuten??? dus eigenlijk was er gewoon geen tijd meer om een finale te vechten.

LAC 2006

maandag, september 11, 2006 Ken
En daarom heeft hij nu een t-shirt en ik niks... Merci Wezke

LAC 2006

maandag, september 11, 2006 WeZ
Oei... vergeten... Proficiat he schat!

LAC 2006

maandag, september 11, 2006 WeZ
Gewonnen met Steen, Schaar, Papier? 't Is daarom dat je nu al twee weken al die psychologische artikels aan het napluizen bent? Ik denk dat je suggestieve beïnvloeding op de Wim toegepast hebt!
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